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dc.contributor.authorNamisi, Francis
dc.contributor.authorAarø, Leif Edvard
dc.contributor.authorKaaya, Sylvia
dc.contributor.authorKajula, Lusajo J.
dc.contributor.authorKilonzo, Gad. P.
dc.contributor.authorOnya, Hans
dc.contributor.authorWubs, Annegreet
dc.contributor.authorMathews, Catherine
dc.identifier.citationNamisi, F., Aarø, L.E., Kaaya, S. et al. Adolescents’ Communication with Parents, Other Adult Family Members and Teachers on Sexuality: Effects of School-Based Interventions in South Africa and Tanzania. AIDS Behav 19, 2162–2176 (2015).
dc.description.abstractCluster-randomized controlled trials were carried out to examine effects on sexual practices of schoolbased interventions among adolescents in three sites in sub- Saharan Africa. In this publication, effects on communication about sexuality with significant adults (including parents) and such communication as a mediator of other outcomes were examined. Belonging to the intervention group was significantly associated with fewer reported sexual debuts in Dar es Salaam only (OR 0.648). Effects on communication with adults about sexuality issues were stronger for Dar es Salaam than for the other sites. In Dar, increase in communication with adults proved to partially mediate associations between intervention and a number of social cognition outcomes. The hypothesized mediational effect of communication on sexual debut was not confirmed. Promoting intergenerational communication on sexuality issues is associated with several positive outcomes and therefore important. Future research should search for mediating factors influencing behavior beyond those examined in the present study.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Commission – International Cooperation Activities Research Programmeen_US
dc.subjectInterpersonal communicationen_US
dc.subjectStatistical mediationen_US
dc.titleAdolescents’ Communication with Parents, Other Adult Family Members and Teachers on Sexuality: Effects of School-Based Interventions in South Africa and Tanzaniaen_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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