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dc.contributor.authorMakokha, Anselimo
dc.contributor.authorNamayi, Imelda
dc.contributor.authorEchoka, Elizabeth
dc.identifier.citationNamayi, I., Makokha, A., & Echoka, E. (2020). Health providers´ knowledge on maternal and newborn care: implications on health systems strengthening in Vihiga County, Kenya. The Pan African medical journal, 37, 73.
dc.descriptionResults: A total of 55 nurses were interviewed. Majority (71%) of the respondents were diploma nurses. The overall knowledge score for MNH among the providers was adequate with a score of (64%). Generally, the midwives and higher diploma nurses consistently scored higher than diploma nurses in all the topic areas of MNH. In the mixed linear regression, determinants of knowledge score were seen in provider-level variables.en_US
dc.descriptionConclusion: Overall, the providers scores were higher on intrapartum and newborn care compared to scores on care for complications. We conclude that in-service training on EmOC to providers is critical to reduction of maternal mortality.en_US
dc.description.abstractPregnant women need access to skilled attendance at birth and emergency obstetric care (EmOC) to avert maternal deaths. While poor EmOC services may explain the high maternal mortality, inadequate knowledge of providers is also part of the problem. This forms the basis of this paper, in a setting where 50.2% of women deliver in a health facility but maternal mortality remains high at 531/100,000 live births, compared to the national average of 362/100,000 in Kenya.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipArticles from The Pan African Medical Journal are provided here courtesy of African Field Epidemiology Networken_US
dc.publisherThe Pan African medical journalen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIssue 37;No. 73
dc.subjecthealth provideren_US
dc.titleHealth providers´ knowledge on maternal and newborn care: implications on health systems strengthening in Vihiga County, Kenyaen_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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