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dc.contributor.authorMann, G. V.
dc.contributor.authorR. S., Shaffer
dc.contributor.authorSandstead, H. H.
dc.descriptionRcprinted from Journal of Atherosclerosis Research - 1963en_US
dc.description.abstractThe hypothetical relationship between dietary behavior and the development of atherosclerosis and consequent cardiovascular complications is not well established. While it is widely said that a large intake of animal fat and particularly of saturated fats produces hypercholesterolemia and by its influence atherosclerosis, there are a number of epidemiologic observations which fail to support this relationship (1-4), If this hypothesis were true it would seem necessary that groups of people, who for cultural reasons habitually take large amounts of animal fat would have both hypercholesterolemia and extensive cardiovascular disease. With the intent of examining this matter we have carried out a survey of the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and of levels of serum cholesterol among the Masai of Tanganyika.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipU.S. Public Health Service; National Heart Institute, U.S.A; The American Heart Association, New York;The National Live Stock and Meat Board, Chicago; The Ministry of Health and Labor of the Tanganyikan Government; The African Medical and Research Foundation, Nairobi; The Charles F. Pfizer Company; The John Wyeth and Sons Ltd.; and PARKEPO, chief of the Masai in South Masailand.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Atherosclerosis Research, Elseviers Publishing Companyen_US
dc.subjectEpidemiologic observationsen_US
dc.subjectNorthern Frontier Province of Kenyaen_US
dc.subjectElectrocardiography (ECG)en_US
dc.subjectBenzathine penicillinen_US
dc.subjectSerological testsen_US
dc.titleCardiovascular Disease in the Masaien_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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