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dc.contributor.authorMosha, Frank
dc.contributor.authorTodd, James
dc.contributor.authorBalira, Rebecca
dc.contributor.authorMayaud, Frank
dc.contributor.authorMgara, Julius
dc.contributor.authorWest, Beryl
dc.contributor.authorRusioka, Mary
dc.contributor.authorMwijarubi, Ezra
dc.contributor.authorGabone, Reverianus
dc.contributor.authorGavyole, Awena
dc.contributor.authorGrosskurth, Heiner
dc.contributor.authorHayes, Richard
dc.contributor.authorMabey, David
dc.descriptionRequests for reprints to: Professor David Mabey, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WCI E 7HT, UK.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To evaluate the impact of improved case management for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) at the primary health care level on the incidence and prevalence of STD. Design: Community-randomized controlled trial. Setting: Mwanza region, Tanza ni a. Subjects: A random cohort of about 1000 adults aged 15- 54 years from each of12 communities, in six matched pairs. O ne member of each pair was assignee! at random to receive the intervention , and the others served as a comparison community. This cohort was surveyed at baseline and al follow-up 2 years later. About 100 antenatal clinic attenders were also studied in each community on two occasions: the first shortly afte1· the implementation of the intervention, and the second approximately 1 year later. Intervention : Improved services were established for the management of STD, using the syndromic approach, in rural health units. Results: A total of 12 534 individuals were enrolled in the cohort study, oi whom 8844 (7"1 'X,) were seen again 2 years later. The prevalence of serological syphilis · (rapid plasma reagin litre >1 :B, Treponema palidum haemagglubin assay positive) was 6.2% in both intervention and comparison communities al baseline. At followup it was 5.0% in the intervention community and 7.0% in the comparison community adjusted relative risk (RR), 0 .71; 95% confidence level,1 1 (C l ), 0.54 - 0 .93; P < 0.0 2 1. The prevalence of urethritis in males did not differ significantly between intervention and comparison groups al follow-up, but the prevalence of symptomatic urethritis was reduced by about 50% (adjusted RR , 0.51; 95% Cl, 0.24-1 .1 O; P = 0.08). There was no significant difference between the groups in the incidence of self-reported STD symptoms over the last year of the follow-up period, or in the prevalence of any STD in antenatal clinic attenders. Conclusion: The reduction in HIV incidence previously reported in this intervention study can be al attributed to a reduction in the duration, and hence the prevalence of symptomatic STD.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Communities (EC) Directorate General for Development tDG VIII ), EC Life Sciences and Technologies for Developing Countries Programme, the UK Overseas Development Administration, the Centre for International Migration and Development, Germany and the UIK Medical Research Councilen_US
dc.publisherAIDS: Rapid Science Publishersen_US
dc.subjectSexually transmitted diseasesen_US
dc.subjectSyndromic managementen_US
dc.subjectImpact evaluationen_US
dc.titleImproved treatment services significantly reduce the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in rural Tanzania - results of a randomized controlled trialen_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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