dc.description.abstract | The Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC 2017) took place from the March 5-9,
2017 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference was hosted by Amref Health
Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Health, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the Nairobi City
County, and was officially opened by Dr Jackson Kioko, Director, Medical Services, Ministry of
Health, Kenya (representing the Cabinet Secretary for Health in Kenya, Dr Cleopa Mailu). The
World Health Organization (WHO) provided support, guidance as well as keynote speakers. Other
sponsors included Takeda, Johnson&Johnson, Philips, PharmAccess, Joint Learning Network,
Rockefeller Foundation, Merck, Elsevier, Mpesa Foundation, Terre De Hommes, Advocacy
Accelerator, Momala, JICA, Unilever, MHakika, Ipas, Astra Zeneca, Christian Aid and Smile Train.
AHAIC 2017 kicked off with the Pre-Conference Youth Forum held between March 5-6, 2017
following a colourful opening ceremony graced by First Lady of Malawi, Dr Gertrude Mutharika,
and First Lady of Kenya, Margaret Kenyatta.
The three-day main conference, held from March 7-9, assembled scientists and researchers,
leaders from government, multilateral agencies, the private sector and civil society; and
representatives of development partners, youth, advocates for health and the media to discuss,
debate and share state of the art scientific knowledge and evidence. Eleven countries were
represented at the Conference. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | Johnson&Johnson, Takeda, Philips, PharAccess Foundation, MSD, The Rockefeller Foundation, Joint Learning Network, M-Pesa Foundation, Terre des hommes, Advocacy accelerator, i-Push, Elsevier, Momala, Jica, Unilever, Ipas, AstraZeneca, Cheistian aid, SmileTrain | en_US |