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dc.contributor.authorFetters, Tamara
dc.contributor.authorRaisanen, Keris
dc.contributor.authorMupeta, Stephen
dc.contributor.authorMalisikwanda, Isikanda
dc.contributor.authorVwalika, Bellington
dc.contributor.authorOsur, Joachim
dc.contributor.authorDijkerman, Sally
dc.identifier.citationTamara Fetters, Keris Raisanen, Stephen Mupeta, Isikanda Malisikwanda, Bellington Vwalika, Joachim Osur & Sally Dijkerman (2014) Using a harm reduction lens to examine post-intervention results of medical abortion training among Zambian pharmacists, Reproductive Health Matters, 22:sup44, 116-124, DOI: 10.1016/S0968-8080(14)43794-7en_US
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1016/S0968-8080(14)43794-7
dc.description© 2015 Reproductive Health Mattersen_US
dc.description.abstractDespite broad grounds for legal abortion in Zambia, access to abortion services remains limited. Pharmacy workers, a primary source of health care for communities, present an opportunity to bridge the gap between policy and practice. As part of a larger operations study, 80 pharmacy workers, both registered pharmacists and their assistants, participated in a training on medical abortion in 2009 and 2010. Fifty-five of the 80 pharmacy workers completed an anonymous, structured training pre-test, treated as a baseline questionnaire; 53 of the 80 trainees were interviewed 12–24 months post-training in face-to-face interviews to measure the retention of information and training effectiveness. Survey questions were selected to illustrate the principles of a harm reduction approach to unsafe abortion. Bivariate analysis was used to examine pharmacy worker knowledge, attitudes and dispensing behaviours pre-training and at follow-up. A higher percentage of pharmacy workers reported referring women to a health care facility between surveys (47% to 68%, p = 0.03). The number of pharmacy workers who reported dispensing ineffective abortifacients decreased from baseline to end-line (30% to 25%) but the difference was non-significant. However, study results demonstrate that Zambian pharmacy workers have a role to play in safe abortion services and some are willing to play that role. © 2015en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipConsortium for Research on Unsafe Abortion in Africa and its principal donor, the UK Department for International Development.en_US
dc.publisherReproductive Health Mattersen_US
dc.subjectMedical abortionen_US
dc.subjectHarm reductionen_US
dc.titleUsing a Harm Reduction Lens to Examine Post-intervention Results of Medical Abortion Training among Zambian Pharmacistsen_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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