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dc.contributor.authorMunene, Mumbere, Mukemay
dc.description.abstractAbstract – The Oicha Health Zone has been under the control of armed groups for more than two decades, sowing death and desolation, including the destruction of a dozen health centers and the relocation of some of them. As a result of the wandering, a major part of the population lives in the camp of the internally displaced, in schools in great promiscuity and below the minimum of human dignity. Thus, the general objective of this study is to identify the factors associated with the emergence of measles in the Health Zone. To achieve this, we used a descriptive method in a transversal approach. The data were collected using an interview guide, these data were synthesized by descriptive statistics. The chi-square test and the p-value has a 95% confidence interval allowed us to test the level of association between dependent and independent variables. The Social Science Statistics Package (SPSS) was used to generate the result. The result revealed that 65% of people who developed measles were not vaccinated. Malnutrition has been associated with the emergence of the epidemic, (p-value 0.015). However, a significant non-association between residence, distance between vaccination site, perception of vaccine necessity, vaccine confidence, perception of safety in the environment, vaccine compatibility and beliefs, vaccine availability at vaccination sites and measles vaccination (p≥0.05 not significant at the conventional 5% threshold. The authorities of the health zone in collaboration with their partner, the EPI and the Congolese government must multiply efforts to stabilize the Area safely and increase the supply of vaccine to the Area on a permanent basis to avoid the emergence of a similar epidemic in the future.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologiesen_US
dc.subjectEmergence, epidemic, measles, Sant Oicha.en_US
dc.titleDeterminants Of Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Healthcare Workers In Oicha Health District, Democratic Republic Of Congoen_US
dc.typeArticle, Journalen_US

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