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dc.contributor.authorWood, Christopher
dc.descriptionBook chapteren_US
dc.description.abstractTo develop health services so that they cover a greater proportion of the world 's population we need more health workers, and to train more health workers appropriately we need more teachers. Health workers of all kinds are required and it should be appreciated that there is a continuum of knowledge and skills from the simplest first aider up to the professor of paediatrics. Though there may be disagreement about what individuals or groups should be called - auxiliary, assistant or paramedical - and about the level of knowledge and skills that they should have in general or specialist fields, no health service can function efficiently without staff of all levels. In this chapter al l these people will be called health workersen_US
dc.subjectCommunity Health workers (CHWs)en_US
dc.subjectHealth serviceen_US
dc.subjectPrimary schoolen_US
dc.subjectSecondary schoolen_US
dc.subjectMaternal and child healthen_US
dc.titleChapter 37. Training Teachers for Health Workersen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US

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  • Book Chapters [13]
    A main division of a book that contains a chapter or chapters of Amref International University's research work. This chapter(s) inclusion may extend to research work done by Amref Health Africa

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