Evaluating Implementation Status of the National Guidelines for Covid-19 Hygiene and Sanitation in Primary Schools of Marsabit County, Kenya
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Article, Journalviews
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Abstract/ Overview
Globally, erupting in late 2019 in China, COVID-19pandemic became a monumental public health policy problem and threat to humanity of our time. As of June 13, 2021, the pandemic affected close to 176 million people and caused over 3.8 million deaths and disrupted global economies leading toloss of jobs and livelihoods. From a public health perspective, African countries like Kenya, need greater investments in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions as the first line of defence to effectively mitigate against the pandemic. The objective of thisstudy was to identify and assess thelevel and status of hygiene and sanitation implementation of COVID-19national guidelines in four schools in three sub counties of Marsabit Countyin northern Kenya. COVID-19The study adopted a cross sectional design and mixed method in data collection. In addition, review of secondary literature both quantitative and qualitative data were collected during October to December 2022. Data was collected through administering questionnaires targeting 284 respondents, keyinformant interviews and focusedgroup discussions with selectedopinion leaders. Quantitative data was analysedusing SPSS ver25 and univariate and bivariate statistical techniques were applied. Descriptive analysis using thematic technique was used to analyse qualitative data. The study findings observed that the current school based intervention for COVID-19prevention included wearing of face masks (86%), practicing social distance (65%), hand washing with water (52%), and using alcohol based hand sanitizers (64%). It also revealed key factors influencing covid19 interventions: barriers to uptake included: lackof enforcement (84.2%), shortage of WASH facilities (78.9%), lack of funds (76.8%), lack of trained staff (70.4%), inadequate facilities (88.7%), lack of awareness (50.0%), poor attitude and ignorance (76.4%), accessibility (37.3%), cultural and religiousfactors (70.1%).This study concludes that while knowledge of transmission and prevention were found to be high; access to many of the essential support systems and WASH facilities remaina major challengein the schools in Marsabit. These challenges were also identified from the findings of qualitative study. The study advances key recommendations notably: promotion of school-based training and sensitization of teachers and workers; increased financial support for provision of hygiene and sanitationfacilities and preventive support supplies;expansion of community sensitization using radio, television, mass mediaand school drama clubs; and finally, enhanced financial and budgetary support from national and county governments, donors, and non-governmental organizations to implement robust WASH interventions especially in schools in the Arid and Semi-Arid regions of Kenya.